Louis: From Huaibei to the World.

Picture taken by Louis in South Sanfrancisco, 2019

Louis came originally from Huaibei, a small city in northern Anhui Province.

From Huaibei to Shanghai: nearly 600 km.

Louis's parents came to Shanghai in the early 2000s, thanks to the rise of the economy brought by the reform and opening-up policy in the 1980s.

Louis in Provo, Utah (2019)

Louis's first trip to the US was in 2019. He went to LA, San Francisco, and finally Salt Lake City. At BYU, he attended a summer camp focusing on underwater robots (ROV). Louis seems to be a skilled driver, controlling the underwater robot. In the final competition, he was able to get a top ranking even with one of the two propellers broken.

(It's not a joke. Louis loves engineering.)

At Harvard, Feb 2024

In Feb 2024, Louis went to Harvard and Yale for a 2-week visit via HSEFZ Dean's List (awarded to the top 1% of students with overall abilities in HSEFZ). In Harvard, Louis took multiple courses spanned from marketing & economics to law, and during that week, he handled all the classes well.

During the 2-week program, Louis made friends with the group of high school students with the most intellecually-committed minds in China. Louis enjoyed the conversations he had with thoses people, listening to different voices from various social background, from Shenzhen to Inner Mongolia.

Trumbull College, Yale University

In August 2024, Louis went to Yale again for the YYGS program, dwelling in Trumbull College. As a leading director, Louis and his members, together, shot a film about adaptations of students from various backgrounds within the Yale community.

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