Louis is the self-initiator of Huaibei Live (Huaibei Perspective, if being translated directly from the organization's Chinese name), an online documentary channel on YouTube, Tiktok(China), and Bilbili(China), providing high-quality documentaries about socio-economic life in the city of Huaibei.
Our Motto:
Record the Time. Reconsider the time. Boost the time.
Please feel free to have access to Louis' Channel on YouTube or Bilibili.
A Quick Flash Back
Of Louis's life of photography.
While Louis began to take pictures and make oral, video, and written records of the construction and change of the city 5 years ago, he has observed the people of Huaibei for more than a decade since his childhoom. In Louis's Primary School, he began to learn about photography and got his first DSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera: a NIKON D90 from his father Jason.

After that, Louis spent more than 25 hours weekly since 2015, three years after he entered the Primary School. Then, Louis was taught by Professor Tang from the Chinese Photographers Association from 2015 to 2017. During these years, Louis got a silver prize awarded by the Chinese Photographers Association, Shanghai Branch in a regional competition in which thousands of students participated.
"I love photography for its capturing an instantaneous move for being eternity." This is what Louis said in his 10 years of age.
In Middle School, Louis became the head of the photography club, leading more than 50 members. He became more and more mature. For him, photography was beyond taking a picture. Capturing a scene and keeping it forever is more than a romantic message. It's more about revealing a veil from any culture, person, myth, or even an object to create infinity out of finitude.
"We never create new things by taking a picture. We photographers are just finding a novel perspective nobody else had paid attention to." This is the reason why Louis named his channel "Huaibei Perspective (if translated directly from the Chinese Name 淮北视角)".
After getting into senior high school, Louis found it vital to find his community and his impact within it. Without hesitation, he decided to start Huaibei Live.
Louis spent much time thinking, and he needed no hesitation to make a decision because of the much consideration he had generated in his mind. He is firm but mild, conscientious but decisive, and solemn but likable.

In June 2024, Louis went back to his hometown with a new Nikon camera (rented) and a firm heart. He walked through more than 3 local bureaus, 5 industries, 13 towns, and 500 people, and finally gathered more than 1000 GB of raw data before editing. From individual households to business initiators, Louis laid eyes on the normal people of Huaibei, and using them as the lens through which the a whole socio-economic picture of Huaibei could be perceived.

My second documentary Village Medicare, which is still in editing, follows several officials working in basic-level bureaus for medicares in Lieshan District. Since the aging problem is getting more severe when the time goes on, more and more elderly people demand a wider and more efficient medicare system. The way the government deals with the problem and whether the people are satisfied with these solutions are necessary for the city.
Huaibei Live is an ongoing project. Louis would like to made this channel an observer of the society, revealing the true social memory, ethnographic history, and people's lives in a whole. It's about Louis' own community and family but beyond that: it's about where he comes and where he would go.